
Semi-Successful Test

by Feltenix on Nov.17, 2010, under Engine

The test itself went very well. Setup took longer than I expected due to chasing down leaks in the propane supply. The first few tests took place during the day and not much could be seen, but after dark the exhaust gases could be seen. This first picture is just propane burning without any added oxidizer.

This picture shows gaseous propane and compressed air burning. Clearly there is an insufficiency of propane as the burn is not fully developed everywhere, but the area it is burning in appears to have the proper form for an aerospike style rocket motor. The flash from the camera makes it very difficult to see, and pictures taken without the flash are too blurry to be able to distinguish anything.

The next series of tests will be using gaseous propane and gaseous nitrous oxide. These tests will be followed by tests using liquid nitrous oxide and liquid propane.

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