Recent Tests
by Feltenix on Dec.09, 2010, under Engine
I did a ground test over the weekend, and the tests showed that I need a pressure regulator between the nitrous oxide tank. So no tests until I get a proper pressure regulator. No pictures as there is nothing to show right now.
Semi-Successful Test
by Feltenix on Nov.17, 2010, under Engine
The test itself went very well. Setup took longer than I expected due to chasing down leaks in the propane supply. The first few tests took place during the day and not much could be seen, but after dark the exhaust gases could be seen. This first picture is just propane burning without any added oxidizer.
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Completed test stand
by Feltenix on Nov.11, 2010, under Engine
I have completed the engine and test stand. There isn’t much left to do now other than buy the fuel and plumbing.
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